Data Automation

Software Technologies

We have a deep expertise in developing
Tailor Made Software Solutions

SenesiaDA has a deep expertise in data automation: we realize custom software solutions which work with different technologies.

For each client, we work to: maximize cybersecurity, optimize speed, optimize reliability, reduce interference.

Web portals

PHP and Ajax for the development of the interface and the backend.

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor): the most used Open Source language on the web, is designed for the programming of dynamic web pages.

AJAX (by Asynchronous JavaScript and XML): software development technique for creating interactive web applications. The development of HTML applications with AJAX is based on a background data exchange between web browsers and servers, which allows the dynamic updating of a web page without explicit reloading by the user.

MySql – to develop the database: a Relational database management system (RDBMS). MySql guarantees: high robustness, response speed and scalability. The database is designed to allow simultaneous access by multiple users and is natively interfaceable with web technologies

Amazon Elastic Computer Cloud – for servers

The system involves the use of remote servers in Linux technology where the application resides and the database, reachable through the internet, presumably is the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud technology.

The system has many advantages for the structure that uses it:

  • Calculation power: the more the number of servers is used and the faster the download speed.
  • Scalability: as server load increases, the number of servers involved can be increased without resorting to installations or service interruptions.
  • Redundancy: if a server has a problem, the other machines replace it avoiding interruptions in the service.

Added value

  • Knowledge of different programming languages and database types.
  • All the software developed for the company can have the same look & feel.
  • The product is always designed and produced for the end user customer, unless the customer wishes to use an already developed product.
  • Possibility to provide external Junior and Senior collaborators to client’s Company.