Agile software which deliver

the same information

at the sametime

to Remote Teams

In depth analysis of needs, quality management
process and effective communication

Key benefits for our clients

Agile Software

SenesiaDA develops agile software which deliver the same information, at the same time, to remote teams.
SenesiaDA framework creates frequent integration points between every single remote group, enabling the problem-solving process.
Our Engineers constantly focus on client’s needs, developing “tailor made” software solutions, designed for the client and with the client.

Project Manager for the entire project life cicle

Our Engineers act as Project Managers during the entire project life cycle. They are in charge for process audit, process enforcement and software.

In-depth analysis of needs

At SenesiaDA the phase of “discovery” is the most important.
During this step our Staff have the opportunity to know the client’s needs and expectations:

  • SenesiaDA Business Analysts define simple approaches to accomplish what the client requires
  • SenesiaDA Project Managers recognize the most appropriate development methodology
  • SenesiaDA Technology Experts select the most efficient technologies

Quality management process

SenesiaDA has a QA department responsible for providing quality assurance in every single step of
the Software Development Lifecycle project

Effective communication

We believe in effective communication, the costant communication between our Staff and customers is fundamental to achieve the client’s goals.